Knowledge series for Gurgaon parents: Know your child
Inaugural session: Know your child’s learning style (Children 2 to 8 years)
Gurgaon, August 27, 2015: Since its launch on the 26th of July 2015, Vega Schools hasreceived an overwhelming support from parents in Gurgaon. People in Vega believe in thetransformational learning capabilities of each child. However, it is only through a positive andproductive partnership with parent community that Vega can truly make lasting positiveimpact on each child. Vega Interactive Breakfast Engagement Sessions (VIBES) is aninitiative to collaborate with Vega’s parent community to jointly do what is best for theirchildren.
In first session on 30th August 2015 Vega school is starting a dialogue on learning to helpparents to understand how their child learns best. Vega school cordially invites the parentsand children; as well as their family and friends who they think may benefit from this event. Itis a two hour event and is scheduled to take place Hotel Pllazio, Sector29, Gurgaon.
During this meet, parents get an opportunity to interact with the Vega Schools’ cofounders:Dr. Steven Edwards and Mr. Sandy Hooda along with the Head of School and the entireCommunity Outreach and Community Engagement team. As there is limited seating at thevenue, parents are encouraged to register online at 3dYLN7ysx0 .
Over the next few months, in this series Vega school will organise a number of sessionsfor parents on topics pertaining to children’s diet,sleep, power of routines as foundations forlearning; tackling aggression; How to develop lifelong fitness etc. These session are aimed atdeveloping an insight into parenting for the 21st century children. As school goes along,parents will contribute to the emergence of new questions and themes. At Vega each stakeholder is immersed in learning. For all parents, teachers and school administration understanding children is an ongoing project and together with parents Vega school continuously unpacking the nuances of bringing up a well-balanced, happy and well-adjusted child.
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