Tuesday, October 10, 2023

CNM School presents a prestigious event "2023"

CNM School presents a prestigious event,  transcending traditional classrooms, fostering  profound knowledge, research prowess,  self-directed learning and polished communication skills for our students.

Our event will take our youngest learners on  a journey through the enchanting realms of Flora Founa, with nursery students  bringing these stories to life.Meanwhile Jr and Sr kindergaten section, will embark on cosmic adventures  exploring the wonders of space and our solar system.Lastly, our Jr kindergarten students will dazzle us in 'Master and Miss: Universal Ambassador-Shaping the Cosmos through professions's', a delightful beauty pageant.

Lets applaud these young stars and CNM School, gearing up to shape our childrens bright future on the 12th and 13th october 2023.

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