Mumbai, August
14, 2018:
Sony Pictures Networks
India (SPN), has forayed into the Marathi general entertainment space with the
launch of its latest channel ‘Sony मराठी’.
Launching on 19th August 2018, this new
channel is a one-stop destination for the Marathi speaking audience with its
relatable content specially curated for a cohesive and complete family viewing
experience. True to its positioning of ‘Vinuya Atut Naati’ (weaving
unbreakable relationships), Sony मराठी endeavours to weave bonds
of genuine emotions with each life it touches, through its innovative and
engaging content, that is sure to set new benchmarks in the Marathi general
entertainment space.
Sony मराठी will offer an array of original fiction and non-fiction
programming that aims at breaking stereotypes while celebrating the rich
cultural fabric of Maharashtra. The new GEC will go LIVE unveiling its robust
content with a host of 11 new shows. Being the collective efforts of industry
stalwarts, shows such
as ‘Julta Julta Jultay Ki’, ‘H.M. Bane T.M. Bane’,
‘Saare Tuzhyach Sathi’, ‘Ti Phulrani’, ‘Duniyadari Filmy Istyle’,
‘Year Down’, ‘Bheti Laagi Jeeva’, ‘Hrudhayat Vaje Something’, ‘Garja
Maharashtra’, etc... aim at going beyond ordinary content offerings,
challenging the status quo and
breaking perceptions that exist around relationships
in society. The non-fiction lineup
includes ‘Maharashtracha Favorite Dancer’ and ‘Maharashtrachi
Hasya Jatra’. Along with the daily dose of entertainment,
the channel also promises a great library of Marathi movies.
Sony मराठी will commence with the telecast of the prestigious 55th Maharashtra State Film
The channel will be
available across key direct-to-home (DTH) and digital cable
N.P. Singh, Managing
Director and Chief Executive Officer, Sony Pictures Networks India (SPN):
“With entertainment being
one of the key focus areas for Sony Pictures Networks India, the launch of Sony
मराठी is a milestone initiative. Aligned to
the belief, ‘Vinuya Atut Naati’, our new channel, aims to weave
unbreakable relationships with its viewers, through content that is
contemporary in nature, yet deeply rooted in tradition. This brand promise will
reflect in our immersive programming line-up, the quality of production and
storytelling which will resonate with viewers across age groups, providing a
complete family viewing experience. Sony मराठी is determined enrich the
cultural fabric of the Marathi entertainment space.”
Ajay Bhalwankar, Business
Head, Sony मराठी:
“Our top most priority in
this market is to deliver premium sophisticated content that caters to the
entertainment needs of the Maharashtrian audience. The Marathi-speaking
broadcast market is a very lucrative one, we look forward to expanding our
footprint in this space.”
Sony मराठी logo is
articulately designed to resonate fervent emotions and echo the richness of
Maharashtra’s culture.
Drenched in tangerine, the logo’s warm tones tie it to the
intensely passionate Marathi tradition. The surrounding shades of tangerine
evoke sense of comfort, elicit a feeling of cheerfulness while the brush
strokes indicate a fresh and friendly start to a new canvas of general
The apex of the channel’s values is best summed up in its tagline,
<<Vinuya Atut Naati>>
(विणूया अतूट नाती) weaving unbreakable relationships, that endeavors to build
bonds of genuine emotions with every life it touches.
Its visual highlight, the Paisley, a popular motif is omnipresent
and is usually seen in Maharashtrian households in some form or the other and
has a nuanced intonation in the Maharashtrian culture milieu. The deep
evocative surrounding colors in the paisley are a visual expression of the
channel’s vision to spread warmth, creativity, expression and fascination; all
the values that Sony मराठी aspires
to inspire.
अजय भाळवणकर
कार्यकारी उपाध्यक्ष आणि व्यवसाय प्रमुख – सोनी
सोनी पिक्चर्स नेटवर्क्स इंडिया (एस्.पी.एन्)
च्या सर्वाधिक लोकप्रिय असलेल्या सोनी एन्टरटेन्मेंट चॅनेलची
(एस्.ई.टीचे) प्रमुख निर्मिती संचालक म्हणून जबाबदारी पार पाडलेले अजय
भाळवणकर हे आता ‘एस्.पी.एन्‘तर्फे लवकरच सुरू होणार्या ‘सोनी मराठी’ ह्या मराठी
वाहिनीचे व्यवसाय प्रमुख म्हणून काम पाहणार आहेत.
सोनी पिक्चर्स नेटवर्क्सबरोबर २०१४ सालापासून कार्यरत असणाऱ्या अजय
ह्यांनी यापूर्वी झी टीव्ही, म्युझिक एशिया अशा वाहिन्यांमध्ये विविध पदांवर काम
केले असून मराठी आणि हिंदी वाहिन्यांच्या शुभारंभापासून ते चित्रपट निर्मिती आणि
चित्रपट निर्मिती स्टुडिओ स्थापन करणे अशा अनेकविध जबाबदाऱ्या त्यांनी पार पाडल्या
आहेत. झी नेटवर्कमध्ये ते क्रीएटिव्ह हेड होते आणि तिथे त्यांनी दर्जेदार,आणि
कमालीचे लोकप्रिय कार्यक्रमातून आपली स्वतःची वेगळी ओळख निर्माण केली. याबरोबरच
मुंबईचे प्रमुख मराठी वृत्तपत्र ‘आपलं महानगर’ आणि क्रीडापाक्षिक ‘एकच षटकार’
ह्यांमध्ये पत्रकार म्हणूनही त्यांनी याआधी आपला ठसा उमटवला आहे.
उत्साही अभ्यासू म्हणून वेगवेगळ्या प्रकारचे चित्रपट बघण्याबरोबरच इतिहास आणि
तत्त्वज्ञान ह्या विषयांमध्ये विशेष रुची असलेल्या अजय ह्यांनी मुंबई
विद्यापीठातून फ्रेंच साहित्य ह्या विषयात पदव्युत्तर शिक्षण घेतल्यानंतर MICA,
अहमदाबाद येथून व्यवस्थापन विषयाची पदवी देखील प्राप्त केली. खेळांमध्ये विशेष आवड
असलेले अजय हे बॅडमिंटनपटू असून, त्यांनी महाविद्यालयीन पातळीवर पाच वर्षे
सातत्याने पदके मिळविली आहेत.
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