March 17, 2016 Mumbai: RannvijaySingha, Raghu Ram, Rajiv Laxman and Anita Hassanandani launched India’s first live ride sharing app along with the Founder, Rashid Khan and Co-Founder, RitvikMathur. The app provides convenient and affordable alternatives to commercially owned car and bikes. The digitization of services and increasing interest of the common man coupled with the growth of internet penetration has led to the start of this social enterprise.
RannvijaySingha said, “Using Liftiee is easier and quicker
than waiting for a cab or an auto rickshaw, all you require is this app
downloaded on your mobile phone.Through Liftiee we are attempting to build an
impactful digital commerce ecosystem that creates life-changing experiences for
daily travellers.” Anita Hassanandani who is also an investor in Liftiee said,
“People taking different modes of transport have different problems. Liftiee is
a breeze to use and will change the way people travel.”
“It connects you with verified car/ bike owners going your
way at the same time so one starts ride-sharing in a matter of minutes. There’s
no long term commitment as each carpool is for a single trip and utmost care
has been taken to ensure all the safety precautions with verified profiles and
an SOS button. We offer the cheapest way of commuting in India at a rate of Rs.
10/ - for 0-3 kms. So practically a trip with us is cheaper than your morning
cup of tea!” says Rashid Khan, Founder & CEO of Liftiee. Rashid also
happens to be the first ever sports professional in India to foray into a tech
“But that’s not it”, continues RitvikMathur, Co-Founder
& COO of Liftiee. “Liftiee also is India’s first ever concept of bike
ride-sharing. So the next time you’re stuck in traffic, we have just the
perfect solution for you. You can take
a lift on someone’s bike or give a lift to someone on your bike.”
For the first time ever a sports professional and
celebrities have collaborated together for this unique app that’s just not
easing the daily commuting for the people across the country but is also
helping reduce pollution and traffic. Liftiee is available for download on Google
Play and will soon be available on IOS App Store.
About Liftiee: LIFTIEE is India’s first real-time bike-sharing and Ride
Sharing app. Verified car/bike owners, who might be your colleagues and
neighbors, offer rides during their commute. The world is changing by the
minute. We’ve embraced new technologies, made new discoveries and so much
progress. Yet there’s one thing that’s changed little – your commute. And with
Liftiee we will be doing just that, changing the way you commute. We are a market-focused, process-centered
organization that develops and delivers innovative solutions to our customers.
For further information please contact:
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