Social service and non-for-profit activities are gradually becoming
more pervasive in current times. This is a good response for urgent social
problems, whose lists are lengthening rapidly. Prevalent social quandaries such
as injustice, discrimination and poverty have paralyzed many societies across
the globe. They seem to be pervasive in every corner of the world. Non
Governmental Organizations are supposed to be the most efficient engines
working on the opposite end where government initiatives seem to be inadequate or
impervious. However, lack of proper regulation and dependable statistics to
monitor these institutions measuring their actual contribution has rendered
another enigma. In a country such as India with thousands of registered
societies and trusts, the impression of NGOs in public minds has degraded to be
some illegitimate business identities.
Despite this deplorable scenario, a wave of social entrepreneurships
is sweeping across the nation. And, it seems to cleanse the backdrop with major
impacts to some sectors. The reason for this is the global impetus in this
particular sector, which effects are clearly visible in the country as well. The
latest trend that rejuvenated the sphere of Not-for-Profit organizations and
their operations is collaborations with business groups or corporations. They
together are becoming effectual devices addressing a plethora of persistent
social problems. This is a perfect marriage between wealth and wisdom, with
profit making groups helping to achieve the objectives of keen progress.
Social change is now a burning agenda for many large corporations. Business
conglomerates such as Aviva, Coca-Cola has contributed substantially for number
of programs. Street of School, an initiative by Aviva supports non-governmental
organizations to educate homeless children in UK and sixteen countries across
the globe. In accordance with the project, they planned to educate 500,000
children in duration of five years, but the result was far better. More than
870,000 children imparted basic education. Such drives have good impacts on
employees boosting their morale working for a greater good. Coca Cola’s Street
Games is a project for bring sports facilities for the deprived section of the
society. These have been a major contribution bringing new talents to the
sports world.
With such contributory steps towards the society, it is certain
that, the generation is moving towards a new genesis. With looming profits,
corporations are able to deliver considerable amount of disposable incomes to
their employees. Skilled professionals are becoming richer creating the band of
upper middle class. This band is gradually bulging out to be a prominent one in
the economic triangle, whose base still comprise of countless poor and deprived
communities. It is natural for any human being to be conscious about plights of
their fellowmen. With strong initiatives taken by corporations, wide platforms are
being provided for people who want to contribute for the betterment of the
society. Being constantly supported by individuals and corporations, new
terminologies such as “Corporate Social Responsibilities” have emerged to be on
In India, Corporate Social
Responsibility has become an emergent trend that is reaching out new heights.
Supported by recent development in legal affairs and implemented laws, these
have become a hotspot for investors from both the country and abroad. Philanthropic
activities such as charity and donations are the major aspects of these
initiatives. The Indian constitution provides avenues for CSR activities in
accordance with the Companies Act of 2013. Following the current trend, more
companies are expected to invest in such activities in coming times. Apart from
business groups, this has become a trend in personal and individual levels as
well. Many youth are targeting to base their entrepreneurships on the line of
activities for social development. Although, CSR activities comprise of a
number of concepts and issues, the focus in India has been on poverty. Globally,
the trend is inclined towards community development. Social entrepreneurships are
becoming strategic and organized in nature to deal with issues more
effectively. The drives such as hunger eliminations are becoming more appealing
for the young generation. From a holistic point of view, these activities are
being directed towards the betterment of living and lifestyle along with social
and communal welfare.
For the upcoming generation, social responsibility has become more
pertinent. They are beginning to consider the importance of social sustainability.
Concepts such as Religion and God have developed to be more humanistic, while philanthropy
is being increasingly regarded at par to them. Feeding the hungry, educating
the deprived and financially aiding orphan children are becoming prevalent
forms of personal endeavor to social change. The highest group of population contributing
to the cause comprises of the age group between 23 to 40 years. Youngsters are beginning
to be proud of their endeavor to impact the society. This will have a greater
effect to the nation such as India, where more than 60 percent of the
population is below 30 years of age. In addition to this, this trait would
influence the coming generation to be more enthusiastic towards social service.
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