Monday, October 7, 2024



Bangalore, October 05, 2024: Swiggy, India’s pioneering on-demand convenience platform, is creatingyet another disruption in food delivery with the launch of Bolt- Food Delivered in 10 minutes. Bolt is anoffering designed to deliver quick-to-prepare meals from popular restaurants and QSRs within a 2 kmradiusoftheconsumer.The new offering focuses on dishes that can be delivered quickly withoutcompromisingontheirtaste,freshness,orquality.
Bolt - Food in 10 Minutes features a selection of highly popular dishes like burgers, hot beverages, coldbeverages, breakfast items, and biryani that require minimum preparation time. It will also focus onready-to-packdisheslikeicecream,sweetsandsnacks.Customerscanchoosefromamixofwell-known national brands like KFC, McDonald's, Burger King, Baskin Robbins, Starbucks, Chaayos,and EatFit, alongside local favourites like Karachi Bakery and G Pulla Reddy Sweets in Hyderabad, MMMithaiwala in Mumbai, Bhartiya Jalpan and Anand Sweets in Bangalore, Sethi Ice-cream in Delhi, IraniCafeinPuneamongmanyothers.
The offering is made possible by partnering with restaurants that excel in quick order turnarounds,focusing on dishes requiring minimal to no preparation time and restricting the delivery radius to 2 km.Notably, delivery partners are not informed of the distinction between Bolt and regular orders, meaningtheyareneitherpenalizednorincentivizedbasedondeliverytime.
Rohit Kapoor, CEO of Swiggy’s Food Marketplace, said: “Bolt is the next evolution in our mission toprovide unmatched convenience. Ten years ago, Swiggy revolutionized food delivery by cutting averagewait times to 30 minutes. Now, we’re reducing that wait even further for frequently ordered items likecoffee, burgers, ice cream, and biryani, partnering with trusted restaurants to deliver the best food injust10minutes.”
Bolt—Food in 10 Minutes is already operational in key locations across six major cities: Hyderabad,Mumbai, Delhi, Pune, Chennai, and Bangalore. The service will continue to expand into additional areasinthecomingweeks.



Swiggy is India’s pioneering on-demand convenience platform, catering to millions of consumers eachmonth. Founded in 2014, its mission is to elevate the quality of life for the urban consumer by offeringunparalleled convenience. With an extensive footprint in food delivery, Swiggy Food collaborates withnearly 2 lakh restaurants across 600+ cities. Swiggy Instamart, its quick commerce platform operating in43cities,deliversgroceriesandotheressentials across 20+ categories in 10 minutes. Fueled by acommitmenttoinnovation,SwiggycontinuallyincubatesandintegratesnewserviceslikeSwiggyDineoutand Swiggy Genie into its multi-service app. Leveraging cutting-edge technology and Swiggy One, thecountry’s only membership program offering benefits across food, quick commerce, dining out, andpick-upanddropservices,Swiggyaimstoprovideasuperiorexperiencetoitsconsumers.

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