Dadi Amma...Dadi Amma Maan Jaao! is a new TV show that airs on Star Plus. The show premiered on January 27, 2020, and airs from Monday to Friday at 7:30 PM. The show revolves around the story of two sisters, Shraddha and Anjali, who are striving to fulfil their dreams and goals in life. They also have the responsibility to look after their grandparents.
Dadi Amma... Dadi Amma Maan Jaao! gathered a lot of positive response when it was launched. This was because of its unique and interesting storyline. Even the star cast was much appreciated. The social media is rife with speculations that the show will soon go off air by the mid of May 2020. According to the reports, Rudra Kaushish has already made an exit from the show. Rudra used to essay the character of Vikaas Pradhan. It is being said that he would be beaten up by certain goons in the forthcoming episode and due to this, he will succumb to his injuries. This would be the first such shocking and turning point in the Pradhan Family who are now portrayed in a happy state. However, Rajshri Productions, the production house has not officially revealed anything yet and even Rudra Kaushish hasn’t shared his comment on the rumours.
Rudra Kaushish, who has been an integral part of Hit shows like ‘Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai’ and ‘Kulfi Kumar Bajewala’ has turned out to be a producer now and has been producing successful web series on the OTT platforms
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