Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s era is subjects of immense pride in Maharashtra. Unfortunately very few films have been produced on the Shivaji Maharaj after legendary Director Bhalji Pendharkar. After forty years an honest attempt is made to depict the battle skills of Shivaji Maharaj, the bravery of the mavalas and their daredevilry in film ‘Farzand’. A ‘Swami Samarth Movies Creation LLP’s presentated, this film is produced by Anirban Sarkar and co-producers are Sandeep Jadhav, Mahesh Jaurkar, Swapnil Potdar. The film has been written and directed by Digpal Lanjekar.
The significance of the Panhala fort in terms of geography and defense, the coronation of Maharaj, and the increasing injustice on the common people around Panhala fort were all a matter of prestige and dignity of Shivaji Maharaj. In all these circumstances, winning Panhala was very important to Maharaj. This responsibility was entrusted by Maharaj to his brave warrior, 'Farzand'. 'We only fight... for our kings ... for swaraj...! Saying this, 'Kondaji Farzand’ the warrior, putting his life in great danger, was able to conquer the Panhala fort with the help of a handful of fighters. ‘Hindavi Swarajya's brave Mavala, the legendary story of 'Kondaji Farzand' will be unveiled by the film 'Farzand' on 1st of June in Theatres.
Maharashtra has a glorious history. Many stories of the legendary mavalas have never reached the people. Each and every campaign of Shivaraya was meticulously planned. Through the film ‘Farzand’ the matchless bravery of 60 mavalas will unfold. These 60 mavalas defeated 2500 soldiers of Bijapur, and won Panhala fort in three and a half hours. Bahirji Naik, Anaji Pant, Ganoji, Gundoji, Martya, and Motyaji Mama worked on this campaign for months. On the basis of the accurate information and on the strength of their bravery, Maharaj won this gigantic fort in one night.
Many Popular Marathi actors, like Chinmay Mandlekar plays the role of Shivaji Maharaj, while Ankit Mohan has played Kondaji Farzand. Apart from this, Ganesh Yadav, Prasad Oak, Ajay Purkar, Mrinal Kulkarni, Mrinmayee Deshpande, Pravin Tarade, Astad Kale, Harish Dudhade, Neha Joshi, Rahul Mehendale, Nikhil Raut, Rajan Bhise, Anshuman Vichare, Rohan Mankani, Sachin Deshpande, Pradyuman Singh and Sameer Dharmadhikari.
Four beautiful songs complementing the story are in the film. The songs are written by Digpal Lanjekar and Kshitij Patwardhan. Music is by Amitraj and the background music is by Kedar Divekar. Adarsh Shinde and Vaishali Samant have sung the songs. ‘Rakhu dya na marji swarinchi’ a lavani, ‘Aai Ambe Jagdambe’ a Gondal song, is quite foot tapping. Also, the song of Kondaji Theme, which has Sanskrit words, has become inspirational. The song 'Shiva Malhari' has turned out very good.
The film 'Farzand' has been cinematographed by Kedar Gaikwad and edited by Pramod Kahar. Stunts are by Prashant Naik. The Art director is Nitin Chandrakant Desai. Costumes are by Purnima Oak, Makeup is by Sachin Dethe. Akshata Tikhe is the Choreographer. The Executive Producer is Utkarsh Jadhav.
The heroic struggle of Kondaji... The strategic role of Shivaji Maharaj and the contributions of warriors is that the Shiv era war will give a new historical insight.
‘Farzand’ is Releasing on 1st of June.
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