Carrier Celebrates Anniversary of Modern Air Conditioning and Legacy of Innovation
New Delhi, July 17, 2014:
sweltering summer heat that threatens to bring everything to a
standstill each year doesn't, thanks to a 1902 innovation that changed
the way the world lives, works and plays. Designed to solve a production
problem at a Brooklyn print shop, Dr. Willis H. Carrier's
July 17 invention launched an industry that continues to pioneer
advanced comfort solutions. Carrier, the world's leader in high
technology heating, air-conditioning and refrigeration solutions, is a
part of UTC Building & Industrial Systems, a unit of United
Technologies Corp. (NYSE:UTX).
invention 112 years ago for the Sackett & Wilhelms Lithography and
Printing Company tackled an industry-wide issue
— changes in the summer humidity caused paper to swell and shrink,
misaligning the color, which was applied one layer at a time. Now,
Carrier products keep people comfortable in their homes, productive at
work, and keep their food cool and safe on trucks and
on store shelves.
the years since its invention, modern air conditioning has made office
buildings more productive and comfortable, reducing
street noise and dust from open windows. It helped launch the "summer
blockbuster" — before Carrier cooled New York City's Rivoli Theatre in
1925, theatres suffered low turnout during the summer due to the heat.
And air conditioning was critical in advancing
modern technology, cooling the data centers that power the Internet and
today's global economy.
Carrier's innovation has shaped the world for more than a century,"
said Geraud Darnis, president, UTC Building & Industrial
Systems. "Today, the men and women of Carrier continue that legacy by
making our products even smarter and more sustainable."
Carrier's 1902 blueprint of an industry to today's most energy
efficient innovations, Carrier continues to pioneer creations
that make life better. Since 2000, Carrier products have avoided more
than 150 million metric tons of carbon dioxide through advancements in
energy efficiency, the equivalent of removing more than 31 million
passenger vehicles from the road for one year.
complete history of modern air conditioning is available in
Weathermakers to the World and on Follow
on Twitter for more historic facts.
About Carrier
by the inventor of modern air conditioning, Carrier is the world's
leader in high-technology heating, air-conditioning
and refrigeration solutions. Carrier experts provide sustainable
solutions, integrating energy-efficient products, building controls and
energy services for residential, commercial, retail, transport and food
service customers. Carrier is a part of UTC Building
& Industrial Systems, a unit of United Technologies Corp., a
leading provider to the aerospace and building systems industries
worldwide. For more information, visit or follow @CarrierGreen on Twitter.
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