Thursday, March 6, 2014

Tiffin treats to spice up your family’s tiffin dilemma

Tiffin treats to spice up your family’s tiffin dilemma

Add innovation to your family’s boring lunch boxes by using Cremica’s new and improved Sandwich Mayo. Whether it is for your kid’s school lunch box or husbands evening snack try a new flavour for each day. Available in five different flavours, the sandwich mayo will spice up your family’s perception of their boring school or office’s lunches. Cremica has brought about major changes to the core recipe of the sandwich mayo flavours. You can also use the mayo to marinate vegetable, cottage cheese, chicken, fish and others to add that missing twist to your dishes. Become the food connoisseur of your family with our 7 variants - Original, Chipotle, Cheese, Korma, Tangy Pickle, Tandoori and Mint.

The Group has been constantly setting benchmarks for the food processing industry through its incomparable products, innovative flavours and fillings, internationally certified production facilities, consistent quality and unmatched expertise. The retail division of the company supplies various kinds of sandwich spreads, sauces, mayonnaise, salad dressings, syrups and more.

Cremica is an approved supplier of bakery and liquid products to World’s largest fast food giants “McDonald’s”. Its products are also on the approved list of Canteen Stores Department, which caters to the requirements of Indian Armed Forces. It is also a major supplier to Indian Railways, Super Bazaars, Big Bazaar, Vishal Mega Mart, Reliance, Pizza Hut, Cafe Coffee Day, Barista, Papa John’s, United Nations (World Food Programme), Jet Airways to name just a few.

  • Surprise Pita Sandwiches
  • Chicken Satay
  • Mushroom Korma
  • Original
  • Chipotle
  • Cheese
  • Korma
  • Tangy Pickle
  • Tandoori
  • Mint
Available at all leading departmental stores.

Retail Price: Rs. 119
Chicken Satay
A Snack That Always Scores High On Taste
Serves – 4 skewers
·       500 gms boneless Chicken breast
·       ½ cup Cremica Korma Sandwich Mayo
·       4 tbsp. freshly ground coriander
·       1 tsp. lemon juice
·       4 Wooden Skewers

·       Combine ½ cup Cremica Korma Sandwich Mayo and 4 tbsp. freshly ground corianderwith 1 tsp. lemon juice
·       Marinate 500gms boneless Chicken breasts, cut in cubes
·       Refrigerate for an hour
·       Thread Chicken on wooden skewers, grill on hot grill for 8/12 minutes till done (Soak the skewers in water before use)
·       Place the skewers on a bed of onion and garnish with fresh coriander leaves


Mushroom Korma
The Quintessential Korma That Marries Fusion Flavors
Serves - 1 person
·       2 cups chopped mushrooms
·       1 small onion
·       2 stick chopped celery
·       5 tbsp. Cremica korma sandwich mayo
·       ¾ tbsp.fresh cream
·       2 to 3 tbsp. milk
·       1 tbsp. ghee
·       1 tbsp. mustard seeds

·       Combine 2 cups chopped mushrooms, 1 small onion, 2 stick chopped celery with 5 tbsp. Cremica korma sandwich mayo, cook for 4 to 5 minutes till mushrooms are almost done
·       Add ¾ tbsp. Fresh cream and 2 to 3 tbsp. milk
·       Simmer for 2 minutes till the sauce begins to thicken
·       For the tempering heat 1 tbsp., ghee, fry 1 tbsp. mustard seeds till sputtering and pour on top of the mushroom korma
·       Serve on a bed of boiled rice, brown or white

Surprise Pita Sandwiches
Serves – 2 persons
·       3 Cup Lettuce
·       180 gms – smoked turkey Breast/ or smoked chicken/ or grilled chicken
·       ¼ cup red pepper
·       1 green chilli strips
·       1 tbsp chopped coriander
·       ¼ cup Tandoori Sandwich Mayo
·       4 Pita Breads

Combine all the ingredients in a large bowl and spoon into Pita rolls

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